Let's Design A Wedding Part II
The last of these points is one of the first things you will do with your Celebrant and it involves the completion of a form known as the No

What's in a vow (part 2) ........
In Part 1 I talked about the background to your wedding vows; now I’m going to help you write your vows. Whenever I’ve helped someone...

What's in a vow...
Part 1 What’s in a vow… Wedding coming up and you need to get your vows written; or maybe you are planning to renew your vows as part of...

My Name Is...?
This week I've been writing a Naming Day Ceremony for a local family. As I've been thinking about names and the role they play in our...

Where Did All My Seconds Go
Have you ever thought about how you are spending your 2,524,608,000 seconds (60 x 60 x 24 x 365.25 x 80) on this planet? It can be a bit...